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Mustangs Fall 9-4 to Glacier

Mustangs Fall 9-4 to Glacier

Mustangs fall to the Glacier Range Riders by a score of 9-4 Friday night. 


A sellout crowd witnessed the Mustangs take a 2-0 lead in the first. With runners at first and second, Tyler Wilber hit a high fly to deep center which one hopped the wall to score Connor Denning. In his first at-bat returning to the lineup, Mikey Edie hit an RBI single to make it 2-0. 


Denning launched a missile off the scoreboard to lead off the bottom of the third to extend the Mustang lead to 3-0. 


Range Riders got a run back in the fourth on an RBI single by Matt Clayton to make it 3-1. 


Glacier took the lead from the Mustangs with four runs in the fifth on three hits. Nick Lucky led it off with a double, and Gabe Howell homered for the second time in as many games to tie it at 3. Dean Miller reached on an error by Mustang shortstop Luke Fennelly, and Ben Fitzgerald walked to bring up Clayton, who hit a two-RBI double to make it 5-3 Glacier. 


Range Riders added on in the seventh on a sacrifice fly RBI  by Clayton as he picked up a total of three RBIs on the evening. Three more runs scored in the eighth on a two-RBI double by Mason Dinesen, and Howell scored on a wild pitch. 


Mustangs came within five runs in the bottom of the ninth on a groundout by Tyler Wilber to score Denning to make it 9-4 the final score. 


Jonathan Pintaro picks up his third win against the Mustangs in as many outings this season. 


Luke Trueman receives the loss this evening. 


The Mustangs try to salvage the series against the Range Riders Saturday evening with pre-game coverage at 6:15 p.m. and first pitch at 6:35 p.m. on ESPN910/105.5 FM or You can also watch every pitch on FloSports.