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Jackalopes Sweep Owlz,Move Within Two Games of First Place

Jackalopes Sweep Owlz,Move Within Two Games of First Place

The Jackalopes got closer to defending their Pioneer League crown this weekend, sweeping the NOCO Owlz.

With the three-game sweep and a couple of Rocky Mountain Vibes losses, the Jackalopes currently sit two games back of first place in the PBL South with 12 to play.

The series started like many on the Front Range this year, with a rainout. It set up a seven-inning doubleheader for Saturday afternoon, where Jacob Cruce continued terrorizing the Owlz, whom he walked off on Wednesday night here in Grand Junction.

Cruce went 4/8 with three RBI, two doubles, and a home run in the 14 innings, leading the Jackalopes to a 9-6 and 6-3 win.

For Cruce, this was just the trailer.

In Sunday's series finale, he hammered another home run and drove in five with four hits.

Overall, in the series, the left fielder went 8/13 with eight RBI and two HRs.

The Jackalopes will look to stay hot as they travel to Boise for a six-game series with the Hawks starting on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the Vibes and Owlz will meet for a six-game set in NOCO beginning Monday night.

The Jackalopes are two back of the Vibes and three ahead of NOCO. As such, they will certainly be cheering on their Future Legends sister team... but not too much, as the Jackalopes will see the Vibes in the season's final six games.

With all that in mind, it simply comes down to the immortal words of Al Davis:

"Just win, baby."